Blessed are you Adonai Eloheinu, for in Your love You sent Your Son Yeshua Moshiach to be our Saviour. You deliver us from darkness of sin and death and open to us the way of eternal life. We give thanks for all who have witnessed to Your love and saving power. We ask your blessing upon all preachers of the Word and ministers of the Sacraments, that they may keep us aware of Your presence and wonderful power. We pray for all who are growing in the faith and all who attend study groups and Bible classes. We pray especially today for all who are struggling with their faith and those who have fallen away. We give thanks for the wonders of creation and the mystery of life. We ask your blessing upon all who suffer from injustice, war, crime or violence. We pray for those caught up in natural disasters and struggle due to famine or floods. We pray for those who feel life has no purpose or meaning and all who are tempted to despair. We give thanks for the love of our homes and our dear ones, for all the help and encouragement they have given us. We ask your blessing on homes where life is restricted and where there is little joy. We pray for all who are homeless, all who are deeply in debt and all who are uncertain of the future. We give thanks for all who share in your healing and bringing of peace peoples and nations. We ask your blessing upon all who are struggling against evil or with illness. We pray especially for those whom life brings little joy or hope. We pray for our friends and our loved ones and all who are ill and all who feel lonely or frightened at this time. We give thanks that through HaMashiach we are offered eternal life. We ask your blessing upon all your saints. We ask Your comfort on all who have lost a loved one due to death. We comment them, this world and ourselves to Your unfailing love. We pray this in the Name of Yeshua Moshiach our Saviour and King, amein.