Overcome Worry

Philippians 4:6, 7 (Message and TLB) / |Psalm 34:14 (AMP) / Isaiah 26:3 (AMP) / Colossians 3:15 (AMP) / Proverbs 16:7 (AMP) / John 14:27 (AMP)

Abba, I turned my back on evil and I only try to do good. I seek and inquire for and crave only peace. I pursue and go after it. When my ways please You Adonai, You make even my enemies to be at peace with me. Adonai, You have given me Your peace.; Your peace You have bequeathed to me. It is not the peace that the world gives. I will not let my heart be troubled, neither will I let it be afraid. I refuse to be agitated and disturbed; and I will not permit myself to be fearful, intimidated, cowardly and unsettled. Instead of worrying, I will pray. I will let petitions and praises shape my worries into prayers, letting You, my Abba, know my concerns, not forgetting to thank You for the answers. Your Peace will keep my thoughts and my heart quiet and at rest as I trust in Yeshua Moshiach my Adonai and Saviour. It is wonderful what happens when Moshiach displaces worry at the centre of my life. Thank You for guarding me and keeping me in perfect and constant peace. My mind, both its inclination and its character, is stayed on You. I commit myself to You, lean on You and hope confidently in You. I let the peace – the soul harmony that comes -- from Moshiach, rule in my heart. I am thankful and appreciative and giving praise to You always. In Yeshua’ Name, Amein.