Overcoming A Feeling Of Abandonment

Romans 10:9, 10 (NIV) / Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) / John 15:13-15 (NIV) / 1 Thessalonian 5:18 (TLB) / Philippians 4:8 (TLB) / Isaiah 41:10 (TLB) / Psalm 91: 11 (AMP) / Romans 8:35, 39 / Psalm 138: 8 (AMP) / Psalm 46:1 (Message) / Proverbs 18:24)

Abba, I confess Yeshua is my Adonai and Moshiach, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and You did raise Him from the dead. Because my faith is in You, I ask for the Power of Ruach HaKodesh to overcome the resentment I feel towards those who abused and abandoned me. Now I am Your child. When people leave me and I feel unloved, I am thankful that You will never ever leave me or reject me. Yeshua gave His Life for me, and called me His friend. He lives in my heart and I sit at His Feet. That for me is much to be thankful for. So, when I am lonely and discouraged, I think of the things that are pure, holy and good. Abba, I ask You to strengthen me and help me while in the presence of dangers surrounding me. I ask that You assign angels to accompany, defend and preserve me in all my days. I know that I am not alone, because Your Word teaches me that nothing can separate me from the Love of Moshiach; not pain, trial, stress or persecution. I will overcome any and every circumstance through Yeshua my Adonai. I know that You are concerned with every detail of my life, great and small. I ask you to help me trust others and that I can be a friend to them with the friendship of David and Jonathan. I ask that You help me to walk in Your Love and show myself as Your child ever moment of every day, amein.