Monthly discussion subject, or not?

I was thinking on how we can get more discussions going while building a library of information that other members can read through. As we are all on different levels of learning, a mechanism is needed to get conversations going as some people may take something for granted whereas others might not have even broached the subject matter.

The idea came to mind of having a monthly subject that we discuss as a group. This can be in the form of Posts, Forum discussions, Article or by asking questions regarding the subject. This would be over and above the good discussions already underway.

The idea is not to post a link to a video or an external article, but for each person to put their point and questions across in their own words so that it is easy to understand.

As example, Reuel Henocq has put a very good Forum post up regarding Paul's teaching about men having long hair - That could be a subject for one month. I have my "top 5" list which we could expand on and then vote what the next month's discussion should cover.

As we are between feasts, it might be a good subject to look at how each of us determine Abib 1 so that we can understand where the other person is coming from.

What are your thoughts on this?