Apparently, I can't create articles. The following is how I have learned, and proven, how to set the beginning of the Scriptural calendar.
In our modern era, determining the first day of the year is easy. There are many good sky maps, both tangible and digital, which make this exercise take moments. However, the ancients didn't have light pollution and kept very detailed records of the sky, so the movements of the heavenly bodies was a natural calendar for them.
To determine the true Rosh Hashannah (head of the year), one simply needs to find out when the full moon is going to rise in Virgo, then count back 14 days to the new moon (first sunset after the conjunction), which will likely rise in Pieces. Virgo holds barley in one hand and corn in the other.
Proof for this method: 1) EW Bulinger wrote in "The Witness of the Stars" the story of redemption, begining with Virgo. He has many proofs of the ancient, pre-Greek origin of the constellations and this story. 2) The Last Supper took place in 30 CE when the full moon and Spica rose together in Virgo. 3) Six and a half months after Passover, the new moon sets in Virgo, signaling Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). 4) If literal barley ripening is used, this can be manipulated by planting early or late in the fall, moving the harvest date by weeks. 5) When the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, they didn't plant barley, so the heavens would have been their only method of knowing the Moedim (appointed times). 6) According to, the Greeks violated the Jerusalem temple in December of 164 BCE. Nine months earlier, Virgo was on the horizon at moonrise, making the calendar correct under the above calculations.
