Everything I have spoken about in this series all goes back to the same concept: we as believers should be following the whole Bible. This includes the Law/Torah that is found in the Old Testament.

I recently saw a comment on social media to a ministry's post about God's commands are not a buffet table, we can't pick and choose. By the language used in the comment, I would say this person was not a believer. To clean it up the comment went like this: "but Jesus came and cleared all the rules. This religion is confusing."

That right there is the witness most of the church is giving to the outside world right now. God says in Deut. 30:11 that the Law is not too hard to do. And in Deut. 4:8 that the nations (non-believers) will look and say "who are these people with such just laws".

So, if God says the Law is just and is easy to do, yet the church is teaching that is burdensome and something we shouldn't be keeping - isn't that quite the contradiction? Isn't that a lot of why the world sees hypocrisy when they look at believers today? Yet, we have believers will still quote things from that very Law to say THAT part is still for today.

For example, they will quote Leviticus 18:22 (Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.) but ignore in the same book, Leviticus 11:12 ( Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.) and eat catfish.

If after going through all this series and you still believe the Law is something you shouldn't be doing, answer me this: How, in any logical sense, would God be a just God to have one set of standards to be His people for thousands of years and held everyone to those standards, then all of a sudden change His mind and throw out those standards?


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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Witnessing - Causing confusion

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Witnessing - Causing confusion

Torah 4 Churchies: Witnessing - Causing confusion