Shalom Shalom family ?

Our Heavenly Father, thank You for this new day and each blessing You have set in this day for us. You Give us confidence in the power of Your grace that is sufficient for us. Even in times we might feel afraid or in despair, we can put our whole trust in You; because You always ready to uplift our souls with Your joy. Please be near all in my time of weakness and pain; sustain them by Your grace, so that strength and courage never not fail. We pray for Your healing hand rest upon all sickness and Your life-giving powers flow into every cell and into the depths of every broken spirit. Please cleanse, purify, restore us into wholeness and strength ready for service in Your Kingdom. Help all to discover Your forgiveness and see Your light, feeling the Shalom in Your presence. Touch us, O YHVH and, and fill us with Your light and Your hope. Please bless us this day, filling us with new courage, strength, hope and love. Bless our family members, friends, every child and aged one. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done. Amein

Be blessed and stay blessed ?