Pleasing YHVH Rather Than People

John 12:43 (AMP) / Proverbs 29:25 (AMP) / Hebrews 13:6 (AMP) / John 17:18 (AMP) / John 8:29 (AMP)

Abba, I desire to please You rather than people. Forgive me for loving the approval, praise and the glory that comes from people, instead of and, more than the glory that comes from You. I value my credit with You more than the credit with people. In Yeshua’ Name, I declare that I am free from the fear of people, which brings a snare. I lean on, trust in, and put my confidence in You. I am safe and set on high. I take comfort and am encouraged and confidently and boldly say: “Adonai is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm. I will not fear, dread or be terrified. What can people do to me?” Abba, just as You sent Yeshua into the world, You have sent me. You are ever with me, for I always seek to do what pleases You. In Yeshua’ Name I pray. Amein