Prayer for a Child Making New Friends

1 Peter 4:7, 8 (AMP) / Proverbs 21:23 / 1 Corinthians 13:4, 5 / Proverbs 18:24 (AMP) / James 1:19 (AMP) / 1 Corinthians 3:6 / Daniel 1:9 (AMP)

Abba, I am asking You to supply me with good friends I can relate to, spend time with and enjoy as You intended. I desire to develop relationships that will be lasting and helpful to both me and my new friends. Abba, I will be sound-minded, self-restrained and alert – above all things, my purpose is to have intense and unfailing love for others, because I know love covers a multitude of sins – love forgives and disregards the offenses of others. I ask You to help me manage my behaviour and attitude so others will want to be around me. My purpose is to bridle my tongue and only speak words of kindness. I will not insist on having my own way, and I will not act unbecomingly. When someone is unkind and falsely accuses me, help me to maintain a cool spirit and to be slow to anger. I commit to plant seeds of love and I thank You for preparing hearts ahead of time to receive me as a friend and as a blessing to their lives. Abba, thank You for causing me to find favour, compassion and loving-kindness with others. Thank You Adonai for my new friends. In Yeshua Name I pray, amein.