Shabbat shalom, mishpochah.

I want each and every one of you to know, or to be reminded in case you forgot, you are so so loved. Avinu Shebashemayim loves you beyond measure. Messiah Yeshua loves you beyond measure. YHWH loves you beyond measure. The Ruach, who is described as a comforter and a teacher and a guide, loves you beyond measure.

Now I recognize some of what I just wrote above will differ with some of your understandings of YHWH. And that's okay. None of us has a perfect understanding of Him. None of us, no matter how right we think we are.

But you know what's awesome? He's above all of it. I truly believe He looks down at our efforts to understand Him and smiles. I think He's saying, with parental pride, "there's my kids! Look at them persist in wanting to know Me better and understand Me better. I am so proud of them! I love them so much!"

Now, lest you think I'm a prophet, I make no such claim. There are some who have said I have a prophetic gift, but that's neither here nor there as far as I'm concerned. I'm just sharing what I imagine in my heart Avi/Avinu as "saying".

My goal is to know YHWH 's heart as best I can and to allow the love in His heart to flow through me to others. Will I do it perfectly? Do I do it perfectly? Absolutely not! But that's my goal and if I am focusing on that as my goal, I'm not focusing on things I shouldn't be.

We are each made In His image. That is such a wonderful amazing thing. I can't even begin to imagine what all that really entails. But I love the awesomeness of it and the awesomeness in every single one of you!

Shalom shalom