Was on TikTok watching motivational videos cause' why not. If you have facebook or whatever they call themselves then you got nothing to say about TikTok. The only difference is I know that Pegasus is real, while phone companies cell your information to third parties that they choose and you get no say, and then people blame TikTok. Anyways scrolling like you do. And I came across this muslim chat trying to convince the group that Paul sold children to pedophiles for marriage based on a verse that said you weren't allowed to divorce. But then he ran back to Torah that says that divorce is worse then rape. Yes, divorce is worse than rape. The whole, you have barriers stopping you from being in those situations which you neglect that caused you to be raped. There are plenty of cases of dominance being the key to these actions, but if you entice a person and claim that the attacker should have more self-control, and so should you. You are guilty of the rape if you enticed the rape, if not, then not. Your actions and how you dress is on you. Dress like a whore and the world will treat you like a whore. The chat was so focused on commentary from a Catholic perspective that they couldn't see Yahuah's Torah. They believed that the first writings and the second writings were different. Talking about the two laws line they are one. May as well have been talking to Christians. Both came from my belief. Branched off because of their pagan trafitions.