I'm sitting here in tears. I shared a song with an online Jewish friend who is a fellow survivor of SRA. I believe I shared the song here also. It's a song called Avinu Shebashemayim. It's done by orthodox Jews, and is a heart cry to Avinu to bless and protect Israel.

I shared it yesterday because I thought it would bless her. This morning I got a message from her telling me she isn't real happy with this real right now and she didn't want to hear any songs about blessing Israel until there's a ceasefire.

It's obvious she's believing the propaganda, the rhetoric, the lies. So I wrote her some very lengthy responses. I didn't want to do it given the fact that she's a survivor but also given the fact that she is a survivor she should understand the horror better than most.

I did give her a trigger warning. But I explained a lot to her and found myself coming to tears in the process. How she's going to take it I don't know. And honestly, I think I'm beyond caring.

So many people don't realize this is life and death. Hamas's charter wants to kill every Jew on the planet and ultimately, every nonMuslim. You either convert or die.

We know there are Hamas terrorists in America and in Canada where she lives and really in every country with the possible exception of Poland, who got smart and closed its borders as soon as illegals started migrating across Europe.

It saddens me how many people don't realize how much they've been lied to and are being lied to about so many things.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a blessed first day of the week. I just needed to share what was on my heart and vent a little bit.

Shalom shalom