The Setting of Proper Priorities

Ephesians 5:15, 16 (AMP) / 2 Corinthians 10:5, 6 (Message) / Matthew 11:29 (Message and AMP) / 1 Peter 5:7, 8 (AMP) / John 10:10 / Genesis 2:2 (NIV) / Proverbs 16:3, 9 (Message) / Colossians 2:10 / Proverbs 2:3 (Message)

Father, too often I allow urgency to dictate my schedule, and I am asking You to help me to establish priorities in my work I confess my weakness of procrastination and lack of organisation. My desire is to live purposefully, worthily and accurately as a wise, sensible, intelligent person. You gave me a 7-day week, six days to work and a seventh day to rest. I desire to make most, of my time. Help me plan my day and stay focused on my assignments. In the Name of Yeshua, I demolish and smash warped philosophies concerning time management, tear down barriers erected against the truth of YHVH, and fit every loose thought, emotions and impulse into the structure of life, shaped by Moshiach. I clear my mind of every obstruction and build a life of obedience into maturity. Father, You are in charge of my work and my plans. I plan the way I want to live, but You alone make me able to live it. Help me to organise my efforts, schedule my activities, and budget my time. Yeshua, You want me to relax. It pleases You when I am not preoccupied with getting, so I can respond to YHVH’s giving. I know You Father YHVH, and how You work. I steep my life in YHVH-reality, YHVH-initiative and YHVH-provisions. By the Grace given me, I will not worry about missing out, and my everyday human concerns will be met. I purpose in my heart to seek first of all Your Kingdom, Adonai, and Your righteousness And then all things I need, will be given me. Father, Your Word is my Compass, and it helps me to see my life as complete in Moshiach. I cast all my cares, worries and concerns over to You, that I might be well balanced, vigilant and cautious at all times. I tune my ears to the Word of wisdom and set my heart on a life of understanding. I make insight my priority. Father, You sent Yeshua that I might have life and have it more abundantly. Help me remember that my relationship with You and with others are more important than anything else. Amein.