Even with God providing manna, Israel had to work six days out of seven if they wanted to eat. What do we have to complain about?
The Sabbath teaches us to be proactive, to prepare for the future. The first Sabbath-related command was given before Sinai in Exodus 16:22-24. If you're unsure about whether or how much of God's #torah to keep, consider starting with #sabbath. Don't worry about getting it perfect or about the complex rules the rabbis have piled onto a day of rest. Just relax and keep it simple.
#shabbat #beshalach
Rhy Bezuidenhout
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Torah is both a law of life and a law of death. It’s both, depending only on how you use it. If you keep it, trusting in God’s grace to cover our flaws and inevitable failures, you keep a law of life and liberty. If you refuse to keep it, whether by trusting in your own power to keep it or by simply refusing to even try, you will instead be yoked under a law of sin and death.
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