Romans 12:10, 16-18 / Philippians 2:2 / Ephesians 4: 27, 31, 32 / John 1:9 / Mark 11:25 / 1 Peter 3: 8, 11, 12 / Colossians 1:10 / Romans 5:5 / Philippians 1:9, 11

Father, in the Name of Yeshua, I make a fresh commitment to You to live in peace and harmony, not only with other believers in the Body of Moshiach, but also with all my family, friends, associates, neighbours and all people I meet. Father, I repent of holding onto bad feelings towards others. I bind myself to godly repentance and loose myself from bitterness, resentment, envying, strife, and unkindness in any form. Father I ask Your forgiveness for the sin of ………….... By faith I receive Your forgiveness having assurance that I am cleansed from all unrighteousness through Yeshua Moshiach. I ask You to forgive and release all who have wronged and hurt me. I also forgive and release them in Your Name. Bless each of them and deal with them in Your mercy and loving-kindness. From this moment on, I will walk in Love, to seek Peace, to live in agreement, and to conduct myself towards others in a manner that is pleasing to You. I know that I have a right standing with You and that Your ears are attentive to my prayers. It is written in Your Word, that the Love of YHVH has been poured forth into my heart by the Holy Spirit, Who is given to me as Teacher and Comforter. I believe that Love flows forth into the lives of everyone I know, that we may be filled with and abound in the Fruits of Righteousness, which bring Glory and Honour to You Adonai. I pray this in the mighty Name of Yeshua my Saviour, amein.