Take a look at our 2 lessons we offer this week for parsha Vayera. In lesson 4.1 called "Sedom & Amorah" we will be covering the story of Lot’s rescue from Sedom and Amorah.
In 4.2 called "Yitshaq’s Birth & Sacrifice" we will witness the birth of the long awaited son of promise, Yitshaq to Sarah and Abraham. Yishma’el and Hagar will be sent away, but Yahweh will provide and protect them and restate His covenantal promise to Yishma’el that he will become a great nation. Abraham will be tested when he is asked to offer Yitshaq as a sacrifice to Yahweh. Then Yahweh will make a renewed promise to Abraham to increase his seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand on the seashore.
You can find these lessons as well as all our lessons at: https://ymtoi.org/
We hope that Parsha Pearls blesses your home and remember to share any comments or photos with us on our YMTOI Facebook page or email us at: parshapearls@mtoi.org. We love to hear from our followers!
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