Baruch Attah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam, blessed are You Adonai Elohim, King of the Universe, for You are the Giver of Life and Power; all energy and all strength comes from You. This evening we come to You for renewal and refreshment. We come to rest in Your presence that we may find strength and hope in You. We pray for all who preach the Word and administer Your instructions that they may find great strength from Your presence. May Your Church be a place of stillness and refreshment and may all Your people show that You give joy and peace to their lives. We pray for all who are responsible for the limited resources of our world, that we may use them with respect and care. We ask Your blessing upon all who provide our homes with the necessity we need each day; those who work with power, light, oil, gas, and water. We pray for all who are in emerging nations and are looking to new sources of power. We pray for all who expend their energies in caring for us and loving us. We ask that You bless our homes and our loved ones and that You keep our families and friends safe during this night. All powerful Father, we pray for the weary, the powerless and the ill and we ask Your blessing upon all who feel that they cannot cope with life or who are drained of their resources. We pray for those who are terminally ill or on their death bed tonight. We ask that You forgive us all of our sins and that You teach us to forgive those who sin against us, We pray this and thank You in the Name of Yeshua Moshiach our Adonai, amein.