#exodus 21:12-14 prescribes death for the perpetrator in the case of a premeditated murder. Motive, sanity, and mental capacity are irrelevant. In this case, the punishment is about remedying a bad situation, not making the perpetrator suffer or even rehabilitating him. The blood of the innocent defiles the land and calls for God's judgment on the whole people if they don't respond to it by shedding the blood of the guilty. Capital punishment isn't punishment of the guilty so much as protection of the innocent.

Verse 14 implies that a premeditated murderer shouldn't be given any special opportunity to repent or pray before execution. The implication is that a lesser murderer *should* be given the opportunity to pray and repent before execution.

Interesting aside: These verses arrange murder and manslaughter in a chiasm:
Murder > Manslaughter < Murder.
I don't know why.

#torah #mishpatim