Mishpatim מִּשְׁפָּטִים

TORAH Exodus 21:1-24:18
PROPHETS Isaiah 66:1-24
GOSPEL Mark 9:40-50

Portion Outline


Exodus 21:1 The Law concerning Slaves
Exodus 21:12 The Law concerning Violence
Exodus 21:28 Laws concerning Property
Exodus 22:1 Laws of Restitution
Exodus 22:16 Social and Religious Laws
Exodus 23:1 Justice for All
Exodus 23:10 Sabbatical Year and Sabbath
Exodus 23:14 The Annual Festivals
Exodus 23:20 The Conquest of Canaan Promised
Exodus 24:1 The Blood of the Covenant
Exodus 24:9 On the Mountain with God
