I don't believe in "Bible roulette" where you flip open the Bible, stick your finger on a page and that is then the verse you believe Father is giving you for the day.

I know that the odds are slim, but you might just land on the verse that says "And Judas went out and hung himself"... 😣

What I do believe in, and this is true in my own life, is that I read the Bible systematically and during my prayer I ask Father to show me in my reading what He wants to show me for this day.

Lo and behold, today's reading started on John 16 where Yeshua is telling His disciples that He is going back to Father and will then send the Comforter.

16:8 "And He, when He comes, will convict the world about sin, and about righteousness, and about judgment:"

My current understanding is that:

1. Before this time Father gave people dream, visions, sent angels and spoke to them directly.
2. We then have a period (which we are living in now) where the Spirit leads us.
3. That then gets followed in the last days where people have dreams again and see visions in addition to the Spirit leading us.

Firstly, does "guiding" mean "speaking"? So, should we be expecting a still small voice speaking to us or just our consciousness being more sensitive?

If we are expecting a voice, how do we distinguish between the Spirit speaking to us and our own consciousness?

#yhwh #fathersvoice #hearingfromgod #hearingfromyhwh
