"It takes two to argue." True. And if you condemn conflict itself then this truth will give you an apt excuse to condemn the innocent countless times. Both parties may be in the wrong - indeed, both may be in the right. Whoever is in the wrong, that is their wrong, not their being in a conflict.

Yet people even here have a double standard, for it is equally true that it takes two to reconcile. Yet the same people who say it takes two to fight will even condemn those who have done everything to reconcile, even those who have done things to reconcile which they should not do. Yet they are condemned if there isn't reconciliation, and they are told they have not done what they should.
Similarly one "Early Church Father" writing (forgot which one) claimed that if a man's neighbours were sinners, then he was in sin, or else he would have led all those around him to be righteous - apparently forgetting the entire Bible, and Jesus Christ in particular, who was sinless, and yet, "Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?" (Jn 6).

It is as if people go out of their way purely to be unjust. Truly the heart of man is wicked. Even in the general, basic things in life, man makes evil ideas that exist simply to be evil.

#sabbathposts 2024/02/17