You shall make an altar on which to burn incense; you shall make it of acacia wood.
#exodus 30:1

The altar of incense is missing from the first description of the Tabernacle earlier in Exodus. Perhaps because the Tabernacle is patterned on Heaven and the altar is an image of our relationship with God through prayer and worship that rises up from the Earth. There is nothing higher than God's throne room.

Like the bronze altar and the Shewbread Table, the incense altar was square, possibly a metaphoric connection to the "four corners" of the earth. It was made of a solid block of ****tim wood (acacia) and then overlaid with gold.

Only one variety of incense is allowed on the altar of incense. God is very particular about how he is to be approached and worshiped. Don't mix pagan practices with the worship of YHWH. Exodus 30:9
