Yahuah's Word is superior to any opinion. If humanity followed Yahuah's Torah by the blood sacrifice of Yahshua Messiah then we'd all know true peace. I don't stand with any nation or group or religion or ethnicity. I agree that nations, groups, and ethnicities all have had a good and bad impact on humanity and that all groups have moldy brains destroyed by opinion. I also will not stand on an opinion that is solely based on how someone's heart feels. If you are lost as to where the twelve tribes went and what they became over 4,000 years later, I suggest researching the world slave trades. Read the Word carefully. And pay attention to the world's' political battleground. Babel owned most of the world when it started fighting with itself and branched into factions which continued to happen as party would war with party. Now we have thousands of reigns under the same rule, still. Changing the names of places, but failing to change the history. The elites can only hide it, but not destroy it.