Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for You have given us Your Kingdom. You invite us to share in Your godly rule and in the riches of life that its internal. Father, teach us to seek You until we know You and love You and are aware of Your transforming power in all the world. We ask your blessing upon all who seek to proclaim the good news of Your Kingdom. We pray for preachers of the Word and ministers of the sacraments, for evangelists and all who witness in their daily lives to your presence and power. We pray for those who quietly transform their surroundings for the better and those who show others of Your Kingdom in their midst. Adonai we ask for the gift of discernment in those who influence the lives of others. We pray for all who are involved in shaping our world through government, through broadcasting and the press. We ask Your blessing upon all who teach and all who are set up as examples for our young people to follow. We give thanks for the great riches You have given us through our home and our loved ones. May we always appreciate the care and attention that have been shown to us. As we have richly received, so may we share; as we are loved, so may we love. We pray for homes where there is tension and the breakdown in the relationships. May we not lose sight of things eternal among all that happens in our lives. We ask Your blessing upon all who find life dull, all who are depressed or have lost hope. We pray for all who struggle with illness or difficult circumstances. We pray for those who are in hospital and all who cannot cope on their own. We give thanks for the promise of Your Kingdom and life eternal. We rejoice in the fellowship of all Your saints and commend our loved ones, this world and ourselves to Your unfailing love. We ask that You accept this prayer for the sake of Your Son, our Messiah Yeshua, amein.