What's worse than death? Nothing. You can't go back and change anything. Your fate is sealed once your physical body is dead and not before. You go to the place of the dead; She'ol, where everyone goes once your physical body dies. Whether you die a second death is up to what you chose to do when you were alive. Did you keep Yahuah's Torah by the blood of Yahshua or did you make excuses not to? That's a question only each individual can answer. Before all you had to do was keep Yahuah's Torah physically, but now, with the explanations in the second writings, you see that the heart played a huge role in leading to the exile. They chose to treat Yahuah like a common idol and were punished severely for it. You can actually follow the major slave trades and see the twelve tribes being dispersed among the nations. To say that all the history and language of the twelve tribes is completely lost is an excuse to follow the Beast system and the head of Babylon like they are the twelve tribes summed up into one tribe based on the province it happened in. The real Yisra'êl will be restored and this pathetic Babylon run piece pretending to be a tribe while slaughtering the tribes under its control will be expelled. I'll say it again and again; Israel's government is not its people. Only a fool would believe that the state of Israel is all the province of Yehudah. Yisra'êl was a massive piece of land that crossed the Yarden/River. Meneshsheh was split by the River! It will be restored, but not until Yahshua returns. Both the State of Israel and Palestine are in the wrong. Torah tells us how to treat people so Israel is a terrorist state by Yahuah's standard and we are in exile so we have no right to retaliate against Babel, because of the sins that led to their exile. To be anti semetic is to hate the twelve tribes. Arabs are semites like Jews, but not the fakers from the caucus mountains in Asia. Again, saying that does not break rule 5 just because you are offended by the Truth. Your opinion means nothing to me. The only Way to salvation is by keeping Yahuah's Torah; not Judaism/Yehudiasm by the blood sacrifice of Yahshua Messiah. There is no salvation in idols. No idol will save you no matter what you claim your heart feels.