Blessings TTN family,

Here are two snippets from my recent post. I have been seeking the Lord for His guidance in these important messages. I pray they will encourage you and stir your reaction in this urgent hour.

Part 1: The Kings MenThe Kings Men
It is a great encouragement to know that God chooses the lowly and the humble to do His work. When we look at the prophets of the Lord it is hard to find the most educated and the wealthy among them. But how does someone of low estate or no reputation get to stand in front of kings to deliver their messages?
This passage in proverbs, suggests that it is the skilful undertakings of a man that position him in front of thrones.

Prov 22:29. Do you see a man skilful and experienced in his work? He will stand [in honour] before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.

We have to understand that the undertakings of ministry are endowed with spiritual strength and grace. God knows who He can use for certain things. So why do we worry about what God might ask of us? The only thing that stops us is fear and the disbelief that God may choose us at all......

Part 2: the Sword for the lord and Gideon - G300
.......The people had found their existence under the occupation as difficult as it was perplexing. Gideon’s encounter with the angel of the Lord, all seems quite matter-of-fact. Could it be that Gideon was unaware of to whom he was addressing as he does not seem shocked? After a brief conversation with the angel, and once convinced that he can complete his commission, Gideon asks the Lord to stay, whilst he makes Him a meal. The preparation of the meal was not a quick affair. Graciously the Lord waited....