Pagan-Christian Fusion
Patrick’s goal of seeing Pagan Ireland converted did not sit well with the locals at first. It is recorded in the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland that he was temporarily imprisoned, and several attempts were made on his life. Patrick took to carrying a dagger.

However, Patrick found a method that would eventually succeed, enabling him to convert the Irish without either sword or army. As well as working to build alliances with local leaders, he popularized the faith by harnessing the knowledge he had gained of the native language, culture and religion during his time in slavery, and using this to merge Irish lore and celebrations with Christianity.

He moved the dates of early Christian celebrations to dates that were sacred to the Pagans and merged Christian symbols with Pagan ones so that the new religion could be more easily assimilated. An 18 th century historical account records that Saint Patrick used the shamrock, a three-leaf clover, to explain the Holy Trinity. In Pagan Ireland, three was a significant number and the Irish had many triple deities. The triple spiral symbol, or Triskelion, appears at many ancient megalithic and Neolithic sites in Ireland.

As stated in the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland:

“Nothing is clearer than that Patrick engrafted Christianity on the Pagan superstitions with so much skill, that he won the people over to the Christian religion before they understood the exact difference between the two systems of belief.”

Saint Patrick established the first church at a place called Saul, in Northern Ireland, and after that he planted more and more churches as he crisscrossed his way through Ireland. The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland record that:

“It was by him that many cells, monasteries, and churches were erected throughout Ireland; seven hundred churches was their number. It was by him that bishops, priests, and persons of every dignity were ordained; seven hundred bishops, and three thousand priests [was] their number.”

In just a few decades, Saint Patrick had converted all of Ireland to Christianity.

This is a biblically forbidden strategy of the catholic church to fuse paganism and the gospel of salvation, just like the fusion of islam, catholicism, lgbtqzyz, and suicide, into one holy catholic church.

Saint Patrick: When the True Story is More Exciting than the Legend | Ancient Origins

Saint Patrick: When the True Story is More Exciting than the Legend | Ancient Origins

The 17th March marks Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, a cultural and religious holiday celebrated every year in Ireland and by Irish