It is imperative when we wake up that we first come out of churchianity… All the way out. Not a foot in the door and a foot on the porch. We have to do like Sha’ul.… Walk out into the wilderness away from everything that we found familiar and everything we thought we knew so well, sit down at the feet of the Master, and in the absence of our former influences, unlearn and relearn.

One of the most important things we need to do in leaving failed Christianity behind, that we may instead actually follow the Messiah, is to “reset the lexicon”…

And what does that mean?

It means that we have been using the wrong words and the wrong meanings for centuries so that all we have accomplished is confusing ourselves and our fellows.

We need to get the Christianized definitions out of our heads so that we can study the Scriptures as they were written without the bias of the times, and the lies of the scribes ruling our minds.

This is no easy task, nor a simple matter. It will be hard, and it will hurt. It will be difficult to have the simplest conversation with a Christian… Or anyone who has not plugged back in the proper terminology. It will be confusing for a time, and it will take some time to get used to the fact that we are so very unfamiliar with the Scripture we have believed ourselves to know from childhood.

Lord, God, angel, demon, saint, sin, law, grace, works, faith, church, Jesus, peace, heaven, hell, Christ, dispensation, salvation, sanctification, resurrection, disciple, Israel, prophet, apostle, believe, trust, Christian…etc. etc. etc.

So very many terms we have treasured for so very many years. All of which we believe to be the truth. But the truth is these are terms that few people check to ensure they actually reflect the meaning of what was originally written by the authors of the Scriptures themselves.

Nobody asks if the translator chose the right terminology. Nobody asks if the translator actually translated anything at all. Nobody ever makes certain that the so-called translator did not adopt local terminology already common, already in use, already familiar with their audience… And then slap a label “translation“ on that local lingo.By tradition, we simply accept what was given without regard for the devolution of time, and the corrupting influence of culture and custom superimposed upon words by use and misuse through the centuries.

But if we are to have a pure religion, if we are to restore what was ripped away from us in ancient times, we must question everything down to the terminology we typically use and through it, confuse both ourselves and our hearers.

Question Everything
