Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for You have created us out of Your love for Your pleasure. Even when, in our sins and foolishness, we go against You and leave You, You are there and seek us out in love. Blessed are You our Father and King. Loving Father, may Your Church throughout this world show Your love for all peoples and nations. Bless all who seek to heal divisions and to do away with prejudice. Give courage to all who reach out to those in need and who seek to welcome the rejected. May Your Church reflect Your saving love. Father, we ask forgiveness for the sins and arrogance that divides us and create barriers between You and us and between nations and peoples. We pray with love for all minority groups, for all who are judged by their race, colour or history. We pray for all who are refugees, homeless or outcasts of society. We ask Your blessing upon all who bring a new unity and understanding between divided peoples. Loving Father we thank You for our homes, our jobs, our daily bread and for all who have accepted us in love and generosity. We ask Your blessing upon our homes and the community in which we live. We pray for all who are suffering from broken relationships and all who feel estranged from the world around them. Father, we give thanks for our health and our wellbeing. We ask Your blessing on all who are injured or ill at home or in hospital. We pray for those who suffer from autism or schizophrenia and all who are mentally ill. We ask Your blessing upon all who are separated from their loved ones through illness or distance and all who feel rejected by their loved ones. We ask Your blessing and comfort on all who have recently lost a loved one to death. Father, in Your redeeming love, You accepted us and welcomed us, we ask then that You will grant us joy and peace and may all people of this world know the fullness of Your salvation. To You and Your love we commit the whole world, our loved ones and ourselves. We pray this in the Mighty Name of our Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach, amein.