The Birth of ‘Christianity’
A very short and uncomplicated story

You have to consider the mindset of these people from the nations. As you tell them the truth about YHWH’s prophets, they will soon be making statues of them. And you may say to them, “It’s good that you want to honour their remembrance, but don’t you think that someone might bow down to these statues? And that would be idolatry and disqualify you from the Body of Yeshua!” And all they will hear is, “It’s good that you want to honour their remembrance…[blah, blah, yada, yada, Jew stuff…]”

And when you are dead and safely out of their way, they will bow down to these statues and pray to them, and they will claim to be the heirs of YOUR FAITH. They will say that you were their brothers teaching them to do all that they come to do: a ‘new religion’ that neither you nor your fathers knew.

“But how do we stop this from happening?”

You can’t. You should warn them that “this is the love of YHWH: that we be keeping His commands” and that by this faith we “establish the Torah” and that “The Law of YHWH is being written on our hearts” and that “by nature we effectuate the righteousnesses of Torah”, and you should remind them to “think not that Anointed Yeshua came to destroy the Law and the Prophets”, and you should warn to “flee from idolatry”, and that they “cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons”.

“We have done all these things. Night and day we have not ceased to warn them with tears from doing these things.”

Good. You have done well. But even still, as soon as you die, they will turn after their own desires and set you up as idols (and some of them are already doing so in their hearts, content to follow you and each other instead of learning YHWH’s commands and doing them) because though they have Moshe and the Prophets, they refuse to hear and believe them. So they will not possess the true faith even though someone proclaiming it rose from the dead.