If anyone feels led, prayer for our family is appreciated. We thought we had gained our prodigal son back. He's been living with us for a year and 4 months.

We have lost him again. He moved out last week and the circumstances are worse than the first time.

This mama's heart is breaking.

I've been in deep prayer over this. I think the full pain of it didn't really hit till this morning. As I was praying, I realized the pain I feel over our son is nothing compared to the pain Father feels over His wayward children. I never want to cause Father the kind of pain I'm feeling.

I guess if there's an upside to this, it's that it's spurring me on in deeper prayer and it's causing me to reflect on my own life to make sure I am walking in Father's ways and truly loving Him as best I can.

Please pray for me to not allow the adversary to sidetrack me. The accusations run high. I was far from a perfect parent. We both were. But that does not justify the treatment we just received. We will all have to answer for our words and our actions.

I'm so grateful for what Yeshua did for us and that we have that covering. Sadly, two of our sons (including this one) have walked away from that. They've gone their own way and left Father behind. This one is leaving us behind, too. 💔💔🙏🙏