This has become one of our favorites, käsespätzle; we add beef sauage to it. Then I pair it with baked broccoli or tomato soup for a full winter meal.

I didn't bother to buy a little noodle-squeezer thing, found a video of an old German woman using a cutting board and a long, flat knife or spatuala to fling the batter into the boiling water, and don't let it get to a hard boil or the noodles fall apart into tiny pieces! Dip the cutting board and spatuala into the boiling water, spoon some batter onto the board and carefully cut & fling the batter in.

We also just use whatever cheese we have in the house, usually mozzarella or monterey jack.



Käsespätzle (German Cheese Spaetzle) is a must-try comfort meal that waits for you at the end of the Alpine ski slopes with a cold beer.