Yeshua coming soon

James was the blood brother of Yeshua and the head of the church in Jerusalem. I can therefore only believe that he knew what he was talking about when he wrote James 5:8-9

"You too, be patient; strengthen your hearts, because the coming of the Lord is near. 9 Do not complain against one another, believers, so that you will not be judged. Look! The Judge is standing right at the door."

In both these verses, James says that Yeshua's coming is near and He is standing at the door.

It must have taken quite some convincing for a half-brother to believe that their sibling is the Messiah. Just put yourself in his place. What would your sibling have to do to make you believe?

James was therefore convicted not only of Yeshua being the Messiah, but also that He would return soon.

I do understand that time is relative, but does 2000 years count as "coming soon" if the generally accepted Biblical age of the earth is anywhere between 6 and 10 thousands years; so 2000 years is a large percentage of the earth's age?

Or have we been taught to automatically add 2000 years into our thinking when we read a verse that says anything about Yeshua coming soon?

What is your thinking of what James meant by these two verses and do you know of any that might contradict these verses?

#james #comingsoon #endtimes #preterism
