In Luke 5:12-14, Yeshua commanded the leper to be clean, not to be healed. Uncleanness begins in the heart and allows tzaraat to take root. When the uncleanness was removed, the tzaraat was uprooted with it.

The leper was healed immediately at Yeshua's command, yet #yeshua still told him to keep #torah. Justification is only the beginning of the journey to sanctification, not the end. The Jerusalem Council's advice to new converts in Acts 15 was the same as Yeshua's to this leper: A clean heart is a free gift from God, but once received, it's time to start learning Moses.

Out of the Poverty of the Heart... - American Torah

Out of the Poverty of the Heart... - American Torah

Leviticus 13-14, in the Torah portions called Tazria and Metsora, describes the process for diagnosing, treating, and cleansing of a disease called tzaraat. (Most English Bibles translate this word as “leprosy”, but that’s incorrect