Thus you shall keep the people of Israel separate from their uncleanness, lest they die in their uncleanness by defiling my tabernacle that is in their midst.
#leviticus 15:31

Entering the Temple in a state of tamai (uncleanness) could defile the Temple. Ignoring tamai in your own life shows disregard for others. The "ceremonial laws" of Torah fulfill the command to love your neighbor as yourself, even without a temple, although to a lesser degree. There is no stone or fabric temple to defile today, but there is the Temple of you and me, and we can resolve tamai through repentance, good deeds, and other Biblically prescribed methods such as washing and time constraints.

Without the stone altar, we can never be ritually clean by #torah standards, but God caused the temple to be destroyed, so that's his problem to deal with. Fortunately, it's also of secondary importance. He has provided a way for us to be spiritually cleansed beyond what the Temple could ever accomplish: #yeshua.