Rev 12 sign

As I am finishing my annual Bible reading this month, I am now in Revelation on the much popularised `sign in the heaven`. So many people have tried to explain and predict what the future holds by what they see on their computer screens.

But is that what the sign is about and if so, hasn't parts of it already taken place?

John wrote in 12:1: "And a great sign appeared in heaven"

The questions that I am stuck with are:

1. Is this an actual visible sign that can/could be seen with the naked eye?
2. Was it in the heaven that John was in or in our starry sky?
3. Is this sign a story of our past and future being told in the vision or is it a 100% foretelling of future events and an actual sign we need to look out for?

The verse that really makes me wonder and that none of the YouTube prophets ever cover is the last part of v5:

"And she gave birth to a Son, a male Child, who is destined to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her Child was caught up to God and to His throne."

a. If this is a real event that we need to look out for in the starts, then why do all the heavenly objects that they are looking at always stay on a straight line and don't get "rapped" after passing through Virgo?

b. Why doesn't Virgo ever get wings and move from "her" starry location after giving “birth”?

c. If v5 has already taken place and Yeshua is the “male child” and this isn’t just a story being told (as opposed to an actual event in the stars that we have to look out for) in the vision, does it then mean that we are already in Rev 12 so a significant part of Revelation has already taken place?

What are your thoughts on this?

#rev12 #virgo #starsigns #revelation
