AI generated music

I had an interesting discussion with my family last night about the impact that AI generated music will have on the quality and quantity of music and the livelihoods of artists and the world at large.

As with all automation, there is an impact on the workers whose work has been taken impacted. This can be viewed from both sides of the fence; goods becoming more affordable vs. people losing their income.

But what if the people being impacted don't make money from their area of expertise and do it for the love of getting a message out? Is the impact then the same as for people who get rich from that area? Let's take music and movies as an example. Most true Biblical musicians do it to get the word out and free most of the times. There is very little impact on them if there are more musicians. Verses those who are dependent on sales as they are building their riches.

I am also reminded of Luke 19:40 which says: "And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."

This is very much how I see the impact of AI created music as computers can be used to make music in praise of Father. Silicon chips are therefore making music to praise Father if musicians can't/won't.

As example, have a listen to the latest music I have added to which I wouldn't have been able to do before as I am not a musician myself.

What are your thoughts on this as I want to both support our community artists and provide more Scriptural music for the community?

#aimusic #ai #music
