The primary meaning of releasing the captives and healing the blind in Isaiah 61 and 42 is not the unlocking of iron chains or the restoration of the ability to perceive light waves on the retina, but the release of those in spiritual chains and healing of those who are blind to the truth.

However, the literal meaning is also intended. Yeshua really did set captives free and heal the physically blind. The proverb "Physician, heal thyself" (Luke 4:23) would not have been used as an accusation of hypocrisy in this case, but as an admonition to remember his roots. It would have been like saying, "We're your friends, family, and neighbors. Have you forgotten about us?"

The Contempt of God - American Torah

The Contempt of God - American Torah

Many preachers today love to talk about how forgiving and gracious God is (And they're right!), but they mistake his patience for apathy. They tell their flocks that God no longer cares about sin, that anything you do after the cross will never