My wife and I were discussing how bad people drive these days and why so many accidents. As I thought on it for a while, later I told her that I think it's because that the love of money has grown cold. People just don't care anymore and there is so much more lawlessness in the world today. It's so sad. I have just bought a brand new car 2 months ago and some one ran the stop sign and hit my front passenger wheel so much that it bent out of proportion. They damaged the whole side of the vehicle also. I had it towed about 90 milrs back to town and dropped it off at the collision shop. My wife goes to a Bible study on Wednesdays and a couple of our friends there at an accident where a big truck made up the whole side of their vehicle and almost ran them off the road. We were talking about how the devil doesn't bother those that are serving him, but he sure attacks the people of Elohim. I told my wife that possibly he's just helping me increase in faith and trust him more. I was thinking about Job in the Bible and how he said, though Elohim slay me yet will I trust him. My friend told my wife that were the tire damage like mine they might total the vehicle. I told her that if they do I'm sure it will be a blessing. We always have to trust our Father in heaven no matter what happens. I drive for a living and I need my car so it was good that when I bought the new car I didn't trade the other one. So I still have another car to use. Elohim is good.