Priestly nation…

In Ex. 19:6 Father says that we are to be a #kingdom of #priests for Him. This makes my mind spin as it could have far reaching consequences if we follow the church belief that we now have the authority of a priest and have to step into that role. This is not a part time role as priests have very strict laws to keep to at all times and we can't then pick and choose which laws to keep according to our society...

It therefore doesn’t make sense to me as Yeshua is our High Priest and from Ex. 20 Father gives the #commandments and #statutes making a division between the Priests, Levites and the rest of the nation. If everyone are priests then it would mean that we have to keep all the laws for Priests as well; which I don’t even see Yeshua doing when He was here on earth.

#torah is there to keep us holy, set apart.

So, are we priests in the official role or are we a nation that have Priests for Father making us a “kingdom of priests” as v6 says?
