I came to Messiah in 1973 at age 16. I believe what they were teaching at the church I attend. My dad sent me to a Sabbath keeping private school. It was owned by the church that he was a pastor in. As I listened to the preaching I believed they were right about the commandments and keeping Sabbath. I was soon baptized and began understanding that Torah was not abolished. Not everyone's eyes are open as scripture points out. The father chooses people and opens their eyes. There is a difference between the sheep and the goats. We see that Elohim chose the meekest man that ever lived to guide those people out of Egypt. This reveals a lot about the people he chooses. I have seen so many goats rise up in the church and they scatter the sheep. Please pray for the body of Messiah the more people would understand the ways of Elohim and have a spiritual mindset. I have seen too much carnality that it saddens me. I've seen men as pastors that shouldn't be pastors. They take on the preeminence which is condemned in Scripture. Only Messiah has the preeminence. Please pray that more eyes would be open to the truth and people would humble themselves.