Prophecy what is shaking
One of the first shaking is the Land by Storms That the Lord is bringing the rain the Hail the Lightning the strong winds that are coming all across the four corners of the Earth another The shaking of the Whitehouse which Chaos will burst forth and Peace will be removed The shaking of the churches comes from religious pride what is concern in the churches is the money the political control in the church political the churches there not converting souls says the Lord The Shaking has begun it shall increase For thy Lord shall take for thy Lord shall give to the faithful
Righteous and Holy for thy Lord will removed the wicked from the Land for the Lord shall bring Famine for the Lord shall bring fire for the Lord shall bring War We Speak of the Spirit of the Horses Revelation 6 The Horse in this Season is the symbol of Man Zechariah 6 are we being children of men or Children of God or children of the devil
Have we become unwise to become fools where is the discernment that men receive of the LORD FOR THY LORD SHALL BREAK THE MAN SAYS THE LORD FOR IT’S HEART OF WICKEDNESS JEREMIAH 17:9 Hear thy words rebellious people Shakings will continue until pride is broken in people and a nation