Exo 20:24 BSB You are to make for Me an altar of earth, and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and peace offerings, your sheep and goats and cattle. In every place where I cause My name to be remembered, I will come to you and bless you.
In every place where YHWH's Name is remembered, He will come to us & bless us. It sounds like His Name is pretty important and not to be misused or dismissed with generic "names" that are used for every idol that ever existed under the sun.


On this link, under the subheading "usages in other languages - hebrew" there is a good, concise and clear chart of how to pronounce the consonantal vowels Josephus said The Name was pronounced with when he described the headdress of the high priest. It confirms how I learned it: ee-ah-oo-ah ('Yahuah).