The Aaronic priesthood can't be earned, bought, or bestowed by men. Only the Kohanim may be priests and only the sons of Levi may serve in their support role. The punishment for pretending to be a genetic son of Aaron in the Temple is death.

However, all of Levi, not just the priests, was responsible for the functioning and holiness of the Tabernacle. The Aaronic priests (the Kohanim) aren't allowed to cut the rest of Levi out of the Tabernacle service. The Kohanim were to oversee the Levites, but were also accountable to them. This is a good pattern for congregational leadership. Bishop oversees elders, but is accountable to them.

God's anointing isn't subject to approval by anyone. No mortal can deny or diminish it.

Numbers 18:1-7 #korach