Passages like this are particularly problematic for both atheists and Christian me alike.


Because the Chreaster (Christmas/easter) preachers teach that “God” loves everybody the same. And the critics of religion say there’s a contradiction here because the Bible says the Almighty killed for loving-kindness.

Setting aside for the time being that calling the Almighty by the term “God”, the pagan honorific of the Anglo-Saxons is inappropriate and improper, nowhere in Scripture are we taught that YHWH Elohim (Whom the Church has taken to calling “LORD God”) loves everyone equally. And if we remove that made up nonsense from our religion we will find writ in Scripture that YHWH infact plays favorites. He always has and He always will.

And when we can eliminate that nonsensical notion of equality in how our Heavenly Father hands out His favor, we can quiet the critics aswell who say He can’t kill for love.

YHWH said in His Word that He is no respector of persons. But those words aren’t uttered in a vacuum. He did not say them in isolation. He said He doesn’t favor one over the other when it comes to their obedience and repentance.

All who turn to Him in truth, everyone who humbles themselves and holds fast to His Name and His Ways and loves those things He loves — all these shall be as His very own…

But who are those who are His very own?


Contrary to what Christianity told you, YHWH doesn’t care about you cause you’re so special. He doesn’t love you because you’re oh so precious in His eyes. Infact, He said that if you do those things He hates, that infact He hates you.

Your pastor may ply you with that pithy saying “Hate the sin/love the sinner.” And that may be all well and good for the Christian world which is undoubtedly more holy than the Holy One, but the Holy One Himself said these people are abominable to Him. He said that His Soul hates them…and while we are at it, “them” may very well be “us”. So let’s not get it twisted and think we are above it all and super chummy with the Almighty, like we learned in churchianity.

YHWH tells us He hates those who DO evil.

And what is evil?

Anything and everything that runs contrary to His expressed Written Instructions to Moses. Instructions explained by the “Prophets” throughout the ages. Instructions, exemplified and lived out perfectly by Yeshua, King Messiah when He walked this World. Instructions He reiterated that we ourselves are to obey and follow after in their fullness. Instructions Chreaster preachers say have passed away and who instruct you to daily break, setting you in the category of all things the Almighty said that He does hate.

YHWH doesnt love you because you are inherently invaluable.

YHWH loves you because you know your only value is in Him and because you therefore fill your soul with all that He values.

Sure, the Blood of Yeshua will pay for all your lack. His shed blood will buy up all your accumulated debt. His Blood forgives you and enables you to do all this. But His Blood didn’t do it all for you like the false teachers of the Christian faith have stated.

You were in a negative relationship with your Creator, and He sent His Living Word to die for you, not so that you can coast and live carefree. He did that to set you at a net neutral. In Him you have no debt. You were in a hole you couldn’t climb out of. He lifted you out and set you back on solid ground and told you how to walk uprightly before Him…but He will not walk for you.

Your Messiah didn’t do it all for you so you don’t have to. He did all for you that you could not possibly do for yourself, so that you yourself could do all that you possibly can.

And your desire and deeds set in that direction in which He told you to go, put you in among the people He loves - Israel.

Not your religion. Not your birth and blood, confession or conversion.

What sets you in The Way as one of His treasured possessions is putting one foot infront of the other to walk uprightly before Him…falling in The Way, getting back up and walking again and again and again.

So yes, YHWH loves you….But He also hates you.

He loves you if you do what He says, and He hates you if you do what He forbids.

And even when He hates you He loves you by sending you “prophets” and sending His Word. By calling you to Him and by clearly showing you how to walk in His Way so that you can be loved by Him.

But otherwise, no, He does not love all He made in the same manner. And for those He does love and cherish above all others, namely Israel, He will infact do terrible, terrible things.

He will kill kings and annihilate nations. He will topple religious systems and throw down ancient structures. He will be dreadful for those He loves…as any good Father would.

So in that knowledge, what camp will you choose to be in?

The camp of the people of His love? - Israel.

Or the camp of the people of His hate? - the Nations.

Question Everything
