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The following is from a newsletter from Scripture Truth Ministries:

Greetings Fellowship Friends,

In this installment of The Sword, Scripture Truth Ministries presents:

TRUMP; He Fights For Us!
Make America Great Again!

Scripture Truth Ministries' newsletter, The Sword, is normally reserved for spiritual content, but in light of the historic assassination attempt of former President Donald J. Trump, this video is being presented.

There once was a time when I believed the JFK "sole gunman" official narrative. I no longer believe that. Neither do I believe that Trump's would-be assassin acted on his own. Of course, the Deep State, if responsible for the JFK assassination and Trump assassination attempt, covers its tracks better than a railroad company.

There are still many Christians and others who declare the narrative that there is no difference in who becomes president. Not true. Because of President Donald Trump's Supreme Court appointments, Roe v Wade was overturned.

"I'm waiting for Jesus. I'm not voting for anyone. No one is going to save America but Him."

In voting for a better candidate, a person is not voting for a Savior. God does not ask us to wait on Him and do nothing while we wait. Such a person may be judged by God to be a WICKED AND LAZY SERVANT (Matthew 25:26). If someone does not see a difference between voting for Joe Biden and Donald Trump, that person has no discernment. By not voting, a believer is violating a command of Scripture.

"Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you."

Scripture Truth Ministries, a non 501(c)(3) ministry, proudly endorses Donald J. Trump for president. Hope you enjoy the 5-minute video and share.

Elohim (God) bless.

Scripture Truth Ministries