I re-injured my dominant shoulder in jan during the three weeks of snow storms. I havent been able to control myself not to use it, so it hasnt healed much. I just started pt yesterday, but theyre still talking surgery, which means 6 weeks not using it at all, and not driving or taking care of myself up to six months. I ask you for encouragement and prayers that I can do the pt and avoid surgery. I have high confidence in my therapist. She fixed it 12 years ago, 8 years after the initial injury. She is not as hopeful this time because I have many little tears in the rotator cuff and other, ligament, connections. I started an nsaid which contains two nsaids Im highly allergic to and may cause another heart attack. I was having to increase the hydrocodone to two or three per day though. I have only taken the nsaid today, and the pain is tolerable as long as I dont try to do my second session of at home exercises for the day. I know some of you are wonderful prayer warriors! Thank you if you keep me in mind for the next six weeks at least. I trust Yah to heal me, I just dont know whats in store for the rest of the year. Shalom, and may Yah bless you!