I hope you all had a good Sabbath. My wife and I have been fellowshipping together since there's been two assemblies here that we went to awhile back but the pastors were false teachers.
I read the book of Micah today and it was a good reading. Sometimes I thought I would like to start a fellowship here but our buildings out back are filled with things right now until we're able to get rid of them. We lost a family member a few months ago and my wife was err to their estate. She's been trying to sell things (not today of course) but things are just not moving very quickly.
Toward the end of Sabbath today I wrote another article on my blog. There are so many things that churches are teaching that are not true and I recently encountered a site that has some really twisted theology. We really have to be careful out there. Not everyone understands Torah. They claim to have love but if they don't obey Messiah they really can't say they have real love. I really like the Torah sites such as this one. I believe when we are among other people that do not follow the truth even though they say they love the Lord we are unequally yoked. It seems that when people don't even obey Yeshua they can't truly say they love him.