The question was receintly asked, “Why don’t my prayers get answered now that I’ve stopped praying on the name of Jesus?”

A great question.

Many people believe there’s no power in the name of Jesus because we made it up.

And yet evil spirits flee in that name.
Healings happen in that name.
Miracles and mighty wonders.

Yet we know for a fact that’s not actually His Name?

So why do powerful things happen in this name and why does that power seem to disappear when we decide to stop calling Him by that fake name?

Maybe it’s another power feeding the deception all along?

Or maybe the power is in our belief rather than the name we claimed? Like a placebo.

Of that we can not speak because we can not know.

But what we do know is this…

Prayer never worked the way churchianity said it was supposed to. Sure we got what we wanted when we said the magic made up word “Jesus” but prayer isn’t supposed to get us stuff. We stop getting the magical answers when we stop treating the Most High like a genii. Prayer is intended to attune our will with His not to get us things. And we don’t mean tvs and cars and money. We mean praying for health and healing and wisdom and all the other good stuff we were taught to ask for in Christendom. True prayer is intended to bind us to the Almighty, bringing our concerns to Him to hand them over. Not “I need healing, etc.” but rather “here is my want of healing etc. Do with it as You will.”

…and He will.

We can have the magic if we want it but it’s all manufactured and vapid as the name we spoke to try to get it.

The Church may have taught us to show up with a list of wants and needs, but the Saviour didn’t teach us that pattern for prayer.

He taught us to show up confident to commune with our Creator. To call on His Name. To give Him all praise. And to trust Him to provide all things that we already know He already knows we need for living out the life He gave us.

Pray to put Him over all no matter what happens. And your prayers will be answered. Just dont expect the answers to be like they were in churchianity. They were never supposed to be.

Question Everything
