Something I heard often while growing up in church: "The Law is too difficult for anyone to do. This is why Christ came, to do it for us. It was there to show us we can't be righteous and we need a Savior."

I've covered some of these aspects in earlier CvB comics. Let's look specifically at the "The Law is too difficult."

If you go and read the Scripture I give in the second panel, you'll see the very first thing is from God saying the exact opposite. The Law is not to hard for us.

Why then did Israel fail so miserably at keeping it if it is so easy? It all comes down to a heart issue. Throughout Scripture, God states He wants our hearts. In the Prophets, when He wants Israel to turn back to Him, it is their heart He is after.

With that in mind, let's look at the man after God's own heart: David. In the Psalms, David writes about the Law in a very positive way. Calling it perfect, saying it makes the unlearned wise, saying those who walk in it are blessed, and much much more.

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible and it is a love song written about the Law.

Now, if it was something difficult to keep, why would David write such a thing?
If it was difficult to keep, why would God get angry in the Prophets at Israel for them not keeping it?

If you think the Law is too difficult for you to keep, I would like to know, which part? What commands specifically do you think are too difficult?

To be preemptive, I am talking about ones that you can do today. Commands that don't require a Temple, a God-appointed set of elders, a Levite, etc... But commands that relate to your every day life. What is too difficult?

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The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #071 - Too hard

The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #071 - Too hard

Church vs. Bible #071 - Too hard